Discounted: Exp date 1/2025 (Our discounted yeast has been in cold storage and we are confident it will perform well. If you are unhappy with the yeast contact us for a refund)
LalBrew Abbaye™ is an ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its
ability to ferment Belgian style beers ranging from low to high
alcohol, LalBrew Abbaye™ produces the spiciness and fruitiness
typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher
temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy and
banana. At lower temperatures LalBrew Abbaye™ produces darker
fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date and fig. Traditional styles
brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White,
Belgian Blonde, Belgian Golden, Dubbel, Tripel, and Quad.
Beer Styles: Belgian
Aroma: Spicy, fruity, tropical, banana
Attenuation: High
Fermentation Range: 63-77°F
Flocculation: Medium to High
Alcohol Tolerance: 14% ABV