KegLand FermZilla Racking Wine FermenterÂ
This Wine Maker Fermenter Kit has been purposely designed around the VineCo Wine Kits. Perfectly crafted grape concentrates from all over the world. Italy, France, USA (California/Washington), Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, and much much more!
Home wine making without pressurisable vessels and filtration kits comes down to the artisan technique of racking wine from fermenter to a polishing/racking vessel. For this reason we include two Flat Bottom vessels with a transfer hose to clarify your wine for better stability and flavour profile.
These kits can be found through our Ingredients tab -> VineCo Wine Making Kits -> Then a particular range
The current range of VineCo kits all come with premium Lalvin Wine Yeast. These kits also vary in price due to overall volume of grape juice. As well as if the wine kit requires oak chips, oak cubes and other stabilisers / clarifiers.
At the top of the list we have the Signature Series – Ultra Premium Range at 14L per kit.
Runner up to we have the Estate Series – Premium Range. These kits are 10L in volume.
Middle price point and also the easiest drinking wine kits we have theOriginal Series – Easy Drinking Range. These are 8L in volume and are very moreish you’ll be itching to pour a second bottle to share.
Now for those who aren’t big wine drinkers and prefer fruity cocktails we have the Niagara Mist Range – Fresh Fruity Spritzers. These could be considered like semi-sweet Moscato Type wines because they are fermented to about 6% ABV. But here at KegLand we really like carbonating these and putting them on tap. Even the fanciable wine snob wouldn’t turn their nose to one of these on a blinding hot summer’s day.
Last on the list we have Apres – Dessert Wine Range. The smallest of the VineCo ranges. Either enjoyed in a small wine glass or poured over ice cream, you’ll know you’ve had a good time if you’re wrapping up an evening with a few of these badboys.
2 x FermZilla Flat Bottoms with Tap, airlock, temp and volume stickers.
1 x Hydrometer
1 x 100mL Cylinder for Hydrometer
1 x Bottling Wand with joiner piece
1 x 2m roll of 10mm x 15mm Silicone Tubing for racking
2 x 50g StellarClean sachets for deep cleaning (maximum 2 hour contact)
Does not include a spoon to stir ingredients and degas.
4 Reasons to go a FermZilla Flat Bottom with tap for Wine Making than a Glass Carboy
1. FermZillas will not shatter like Glass Carboys
2. They’re much lighter to maneuver with ergonomic handles in the lid than heavy glass
3. Much larger opening to stir, retrieve wine must bags and clean oak cubes/chips
4. The FermZilla Tap! no more siphoning adding more risk of infection if not cleaned properly. Simply soak the silicone tube in a jug of sanitiser before you rack
6 Reasons to Get the FermZilla Flat Bottom is Superior to other HDPE and PP Fermenters
1. Super Smooth
The PET is super smooth making it easier to clean. Other HDPE fermenters have very porous wall meaning krausen sticks to the walls and the holes in HDPE are large enough for bacteria to grow in the wall of the fermenter.
2. Better Oxygen Barrier
Some fermenters like the Coopers type are not even airtight and have a loose-fitting lid allowing oxygen to get into the fermenter easily. Other fermenters are often made from HDPE that has high gas transmission rate meaning oxygen can pass through the wall of the fermenter
3. Tap Free Design
The Fermzilla flat bottom has no tap so it’s easier to clean and less likely to get infections
4. Lightweight and strong
The FermZilla fermenters are lightweight but really strong and shatterproof.
5. Convenient Lid Opening Size
The opening at the top is 120mm diameter so its easy to get your arm into clean but also small enough that it’s easy to seal the lid with minimal force.
6. New Lid Design
The new lid design allows you to fit other accessories to the lid easily such as thermowell or glycol coil.