PUNCHY – Mango Natural Flavouring Concentrate -100ml
Derived naturally from kensington mangoes. This particular concentrate smells peculiar undiluted, but give it a chance when mixed. It is absolutely mind blastingly good for a Mango Lassi Milkshake IPA.
Tested with 19L of Cream/Lactose Mango beer, using approximately 17mL of Mango and 10mL of Cream. Super fresh smelling Kensington Mangoes ensued.
100mL in a 120mL Amber UV Resistant Vial with aroma seal lid. Refrigerate after opening to maintain peak longevity.
We recommend using 1mL plastic disposable syringes to dose kegs or poured beverages in the cup.
These are also perfect for flavouring Hard Seltzer