VineCo – Signature Series Cabernet Sauvignon (California) – Wine Making Kit


This Signature Series Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most satisfying kits to make thanks to the inclusion of grape skins. You’ll mirror the professional vintner process of “punching the cap”, which makes your winemaking adventure even more hands on. VineCo’s jammy skin packs are much more expressive than dried grape skins, imparting more character from the grapes and boosting tannin structure in the finished wine.

High quality American oak cubes are used in the final aging process of the California Cabernet kit. One of the reasons oak has always been used to age wine is the slow release of delicious, complex compounds that complement the wines flavor. Oak cubes have more depth of flavor than chips or powder and slowly release compounds like furfural (sweet, caramel like), lignins (vanillin, spice, smoke), and lactones (classic oak flavor). American oak in particular is known to deliver aromatic sweetness, vanillin, and an extra helping of classic oak flavor that some Californian Cabs are famous for.

The VineCo Signature Cabernet Sauvignon is a must for any red wine lover. Add a few bottles to your cellar and revisit over the months and years to see just how much the wine can develop. If you want something to pair well with a char-grilled steak, look no further than this bold, assertive varietal.

VineCo – Wine Kit with Grape Skins Included Instructions

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